Memorial museum-estate named after Th. Kosciuszko
In January 2003, by decision of the regional executive committee, a decision was made "Abandoned syadzibnaga of the house of T. Kastsyushki and the establishment of the memorial museum". The grand opening of the house-museum took place on September 23, 2004.
The estate was originally built in 1720. During the Great Patriotic War, it burned down (1944). After 60 years, it was restored on the foundation that was cleared during archaeological excavations in 2003.
On February 4, 1746, Andrei Tadeusz Bonaventura Kostyushko was born in the Merechevshchyna farm, the great son of the Belarusian land, the national hero of Poland, the USA, and an honorary citizen of France.
The museum exposition consists of:
1. Memorial rooms (entrance hall, kitchen, mother's room, father's study, living room) are replenished with furniture from the 19th - 20th centuries.
SENI. The interior of the room emphasizes the habits of the owner of the estate (collection "Hunting trophies").
KITCHEN. The interior of the kitchen is traditional: oven, table, lava, dishes (copper, wood, clay).
MOTHER'S ROOM. The exposition of the room presents a portrait of Tekli Kosciuszko from the Ratomsky family, a portrait of T. Kostyushko in childhood, a female gentry costume of the 17th century (reconstruction).
FATHER'S WORKING OFFICE. The exposition of the room presents a portrait of Ambrozhey Kosciuszko (T. Kostyushko's grandfather) and Barbara Kosciuszko from the Glevski family (Ambrojei's wife). Geneological tree and coat of arms "ROH-III" of the Kosciuszko clan. Shown here is a gentleman's suit for men (reconstruction)
LIVING ROOM. The room displays paintings. The interior of the living room is filled with furniture of the 19th-20th centuries, as well as a musical instrument - the piano of the 19th century.
2. Historic room
The exposition reflects the life of T. Kostyushko.
The most interesting exhibits in the museum collection:
The shako is a modern American cadet cap. It was donated to the museum by the cadets of the US Military Academy West Point on February 4, 2006 to mark the 260th anniversary of the birth of T. Kosciuszko.
The dress uniform of the cadets of the United States Military Academy West Point. Donated to the museum fund by the US Embassy and the US Military Academy in West Point on February 4, 2015 for the 269th birthday of T. Kostyushko.
Pistol (dummy). The original pistol was a personal gift from George Washington to Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
Saber T. Kostyushko (copy). Personal gift of Paul I to Tadeush Kostyushko. Poland. 2007
Drawings by T. Kostyushko (copies). The works were written by Tadeusz during his studies at the Paris Academy of Painting and Sculpture.
Portrait of T. Kostyushko (by P. Shalkovsky, 2006, Poland)
3. Basement room
This is an original place of the XVII century: the stone floor, niches in the walls have been preserved from those times and were cleared during archaeological excavations.
Recommended to visit

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Working hours:
from 09.30 to 18.00 (cash register to 17.45)
Booking an excursion:
From 8.30 to 17.00
Break 13.30-14.00
Тел.: (8016 45) 61-555
Tel: +375 (33) 32- 61-555
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Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday from 09:30 to 18:00.
Friday Saturday
from 12:30 to 21:00.
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Tel: (801645) 61-600
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Working hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday from 09:30 to 18:00.
Friday Saturday
from 12:30 to 21:00
Tel: +375(33) 33-33-496 мтс
Tel: (801645) 26-015